$3.00 USD

What can I do to increase my chances of a vaginal birth? How am I supposed to "push"? How can I decrease my risk of tearing? What am I allowed to do postpartum? How to I help my C-section scar heal?

We have a Labor Mini Course if you'd like to feel a little more confident going into birth. This course is helpful if you're desiring an unmedicated vaginal birth, planning for an epidural, or have a C-section scheduled.

Only $30 for a limited time, and completely refundable if you find it's not helpful for you specific situation!

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Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum Checklists

Download these three checklists to help you navigate your pelvic health journey. 

What you'll get:

  • Pregnancy Checklist
  • Labor Checklist
  • Postpartum Checklist


These are not replacements for customized physical therapy care. Please consult your medical doctor or doctor of physical therapy before changing your behavior.